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Are you ready to leave stress and uncertainty behind and instead…
- Feel calm and peaceful?
- Make decisions that empower you?
- Move through the world confidently and secure?
- Experience financial freedom and creative satisfaction?
- Engage and sustain meaningful relationships?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above, now is the time to do something different! Come back to ALL of your senses and put them to use now!

I’m here to tell you
When you use ALL of your senses, you reclaim the full power of who you really are and are able to create the life you really want. You don’t develop this skill. It’s natural. You activate it.

You are a divine creature who was meant to thrive
and achieve greatness beyond what you can
imagine for yourself. You were meant to walk
through life enveloped in light.
I know that you want to tap into your true power
and I’m so glad you do, because it’s right there
waiting for you. All you have to do is develop the
tools and understand the ways to reach it.
I’ll show you how to
trust yourself.

Spiritual Teacher
Intuitive Guide
Business Mentor
N.Y. Times Best-Selling Author

What I want you to know…
I’ve been traveling the world and working with people since
I was 12 years old.
In all that time, I’ve never met a person who
is not intuitive. But I’ve met a million people
who won’t give themselves permission to
trust their inner knowing.
The truth is, you start out in life tuned into your intuition, but
culturally, little by little, you’ve been conditioned to reject it. You’ve forced
to surrender to external authorities who take your
power from you. Parents, teachers, churches, and “leaders” –
drove you into your head and away from your heart.
They told you – if you want to belong, you have to live life our
way, not the way your heart tells you. That meant you had to
abandon yourself. And unfortunately you did.


I’ve witnessed, first-hand, the visceral struggle, and pain
ignoring your intuition causes. Spiritual separation
and suffering ensues. You have been trained to believe in
some invisible barrier that says you’re not allowed to trust
your vibes. You’re only allowed to follow others. This must stop!
I am on a mission to restore your sixth sense. It will help you everyday!

By bringing you back to who you are meant to be, by opening your heart and connecting you to you Spirit, you intuition, and your Guides.
Allow me do this for you.
All my love,

“Sonia is the most authentic, skilled guide and teacher in the world of intuitive ability I’ve ever encountered.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
“I love Sonia. She’s a beautiful, sweet soul with a Divine connection. She shows how you too can connect with your own intuition. In my world, Sonia is tops!”
Louise Hay
“Join Sonia Choquette on an unforgettable exploration of the heart and soul, and experience your own profound peace and healing.”
Deepak Chopra, M.D.