I’m Sonia Choquette.
For 40 years, I’ve been an intuitive guide and spiritual teacher. For the past 30, I’ve traveled the world inspiring others as an author and speaker.
My life was unfolding as life does, until a few years ago.
Within 6 weeks, my brother died, my father died, my marriage imploded, and my life as I knew it fell apart.
Even after having been the leader who taught hundreds of thousands of people around the world, I found myself shattered by so much loss happening so fast. I was guided to undertake a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago across Spain to help me heal and find my way forward. Along the journey, I encountered all my “old stuff” – the pieces of my life that I had not yet fully addressed and that needed to be forgiven. Step by difficult step, I began to walk myself back to the most profound level of wholeness I’ve ever experienced.

Today, I’m bringing all of my intuitive experience to
help YOU feel whole by using all of YOUR senses

The Birth of My Mission…
I was raised in a family that recognized intuition as our most important guide in life surpassing all our other senses and have been a highly intuitive person my entire life.
My mother was separated from her Romanian family during an evacuation, landed as a child refugee at age 12, survived a work camp in WW II, got married at 15, and found herself suddenly in America. Along the journey, she lost her hearing and had only her inner resources to draw from to protect and guide her through the trying circumstances of her early life.
My seven siblings and I were raised to Trust Our Vibes as a matter of survival, though I chose to use my heightened skills of intuitive perception for even greater purpose – to help others.
As young as age 12, I offered intuitive readings for adults and started training with two master teachers in metaphysical arts and spiritual law.
I quickly learned that doing readings alone did not solve people’s sense of lost direction as deeply as helping them reconnect with their own natural inner guidance system. At 15, I began successfully teaching small groups of students on how to tune in to their own guidance and have been ever since.

life’s mission started at an early age
because I knew that being disconnected from our inner guidance also disconnected us from Spirit, creativity, and our source of universal support.
For me, Trusting Our Vibes is the only path to living the empowered, authentic life we all desire – the one where we can successful navigate life unfolding as it does, with all of its varying challenges and circumstances.
is that of being able to completely and quickly remedy any disconnection you feel and help you get the answers you need.
So if you’re ready to “Change the Channel” from head to heart and learn to Trust Your Vibes,