How to Manifest with Ease in Five Simple Steps

1. Believe You Can

Manifesting means “intentionally creating what you want.” The most important thing about manifesting with ease is believing you can. Begin by recognizing and naming things already manifested: things in your life that you love. Acknowledge that you’ve already had successes in your life—you just need to learn to dial it in and be more consistent.

Manifesting with ease is believing you can.

Realize that, when you achieved that thing you love about your life, it all started with a simple desire. Everyone has desires, and everyone has the power to achieve those desires! Whether it was a job or a pair of shoes, at some point there was a desire that led to intention, and that intention led to success. See, you’ve done it before—you can do it again!

2. Start with Little Successes

Take a few days to practice little successes. Say you want a cup of coffee. Get yourself a cup of coffee! That’s a little success. Just thinking about it is only going to create frustration. You need to feel it. When you’ve accomplished some little successes, you will begin to believe in yourself more, and you can eventually move on to bigger things—like the job you want, the house you want, or the relationship you want.

3. Gain Support

Say 100 things you love about yourself every day…

People create better with support. Instead of letting negativity affect your friendships and your conversations, have conversations with your friends that really reflect what a treasure you are!

You have to claim your dreams, speak confidently about yourself, and every day talk about what you love about your spirit. Have conversations with your friends about what you love within yourself, what you love in life. Talk about love in general. Speak with positivity and surround yourself with love and positive relationships. If someone is a downer, walk away from that conversation.

4. Work on Loving Yourself

Feed the fireplace of your heart. Rather than searching for what you desire, just keep feeding your own spirit and love yourself. Stay grounded in your own spirit and body, loving who you are and knowing that anyone who connects to you is going to love you too. This is a highway to manifestation! Here’s how to put it into practice:

Say 100 things you love about yourself every day to claim your dream. Every time you claim your dream, you give it a heartbeat. It’s like a plant growing—you plant it in the ground and it takes off without you having to manage every aspect of its growth.

You need to have your imagination turned on!

5. Name Your Dream

Some are afraid to even name their dream for fear of failure. Ask yourself, “What would I love to experience next?” That can be a feeling, such as “I would love to experience a sense of happiness and fulfillment in my job every day,” or “I would love to feel secure and deeply connected in a relationship.” It can be something material, like “I would love to experience the feeling of owning the home I want.” For this, you need to have your imagination turned on! Make sure to name YOUR dream, not someone else’s dream.

All My Love,