Order My New Book, Waking Up In Paris, And Get My Creating An Authentic Life Online Course, Free! A $79 value!!
About The Book

- Sonia faced her darkest hour and discovered her brightest light, in the city of lights.
- A Parisian adventure like no other
- Guided to move to Paris, Sonia encounters madness and miracles on her journey back to wholeness.
- Let Sonia show you why Paris is called the city of light.
- If you ever looked in the mirror and said, “This isn’t working” then this book is for you…
- If you want to break free of an old story, you must also break free of the place that created that story. You can. Read this book.
Order my brand new Waking Up In Paris and get free access to my course, Waking Up to Creating an Authentic Life!
About Your Free Gift
Waking Up to Creating an Authentic Life – FREE with purchase of book
There are moments, which can come at any time, where we are faced with the reality that what we are doing, how we are living, the choices we are making do not line up with who we really are and yearn to be in life. The soul recognizes this and sends us an invitation, often through a major disruption, to let go of what is no longer working, and break out of the prison of wrong or outgrown choices and return to the true self. This course will guide you to the real you!
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Learn More About Your Free Gift
- It will free you up, so your fabulous real can come through
- Learn to try new things, getting out of your head and letting your soul guide you.
- Get ready and let the ending of the old begin.
- Learn how to reinvent yourself, its easy and I’ll show you how.
- Time to let go of habits, patterns, and beliefs.